Category: Lessons by Shaykh Kamaluddin Ahmed

Is it Nifaaq if I find myself weak in trusting Allah swt

Is it Nifaaq if I find myself weak in trusting Allah swt

Q: Shaykh mentioned different types of nifaaq last week – I find myself weak in توكل علي الله trusting in Allah Almighty; could this mean that I have nifaaq (hypocrisy)  in my heart? Gist of the Answer: If a person finds that there is any attribute missing – whether its sabr (patience), tawakkul (trust), shukr (gratefulness), etc from our heart while we […]

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Looking a non-mahram – Major or Minor sin?

Looking a non-mahram – Major or Minor sin?

Q: Shaykh last time spoke about vision that eyes are the windows to the heart, now when a person’s sight falls on a woman unintentionally or intentionally would this be regarded as a minor sin or a major sin Gist of the answer:The questioner has asked two separate things – unintentionally and intentionally 1. Unintentionally would be the notion of […]

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The Harm Principle

The Harm Principle

  Taken from here “Shaytan used rationality to refuse prostrating to Adam عليه السلام. His argument was: He is created from the elements of earth, I was created from the elements of fire. Therefore, I am better than him, therefore, it was incorrect to ask me to do sajdah. Therefore my refusal to do sajdah was not a sin. We do this same […]

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